Monday, January 22, 2007


Finally…………………at last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After weeks n weeks…..n the final report….finally the last report….pass up to him
As usual…it’s a hell report….thxfully got group work for tat
THX wei kuan…….for doin tat for me
ALL the GEN 3041 stuf…’s out of the way!!!!!!!!

It’s a hell of a subject…….damn it…….
Anyway…..had a great Saturday….initial plan ruin…but replaced with a tepayaki dinner with the BIDORGANG….ahahaha.,….
Drank some…ate a lot…laugh a lot..HAAHAHHAHA……a great nite..
But it’s a HELL Sunday…spend minimum 10 hours finishing up the darn report..
Finished it at
2.45 am..!!!!!!! siao alredy….
today is a toning down day……aka LEPAKING la apa lagi…
then 2mr….its Genting trip…hope its gonna b fun!!!

27th June 2005

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