Sunday, April 29, 2007


its been a while since i updated. well...can say i have been busy la...hehehe

well let see....after quotation week....i had a out of the office week...hehee....i finally managed to get out of the office and do sales....well...i managed to get RM10K...for the week...more productive than my gruesome quotation week...

anyway, last weekend was a great one....on Saturday night, after an afternoon of pet time....i went to my first rock concert...the MTV Live Featuring Good free tix and piority Q can just walk in.....

the performance was good.....the local opening act that i knew was J Lo...the other two is almost unknown to me...well my purpose of going is just for the sake of going for a rock concert and its free.........hahahahaha....

anyway...had great time.....then since my parent is in sunday practically spent with them from morning till goes my weekend...after spending RM206 for a VERSACE BRIGHT CRYSTAL and RM85 for my LAB SERIES facial cleanser...

so after a weekend of no weekdays like hell......i am a walking zombie for the next 3 days....only till thursday, i recovered and back to normal...but still my week is like a normal one.....

well since this weekend my brother took the whole family for a Penang trip. i decided to have this weekend as my tone down weekend...a weekend of silence and relax....

but it was kinda boring to me...hahhaah...
hard to adjust to surfing...lie on the couch, in front of tv doing nothing...but still i managed to do that for half of the day, the remaining half...i spent with plants and i can still managed to tone down from the busy schedule.

tomorrow is monday, most people alredy took leave and went for holidays or back to hometown. but i decided to stay in kl and go to work...actually tomorrow most probably will be a blind paid day la....most client alredy on i can practically sit down and last Friday alredy a lepaking one....with nothing to do...since Thursday was a most took Friday and tomorrow off and enjoy a week off...hopefully tomorrow will be a carefree one...wahahahah

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Quotation week

well...there is no other word rather than "QUOTATION WEEK" can describe my last week.

after my "A Series Of Unfortunate Events", my week is practically filled with quotation. From Monday till Thursday...from 8.30 to 6.15.. all i did was one quotation after another...

aiyoh...yamkung ah....sit in front of the pc...till backache, red eyes, carpal turnel and fucking tired...other than boss gila invoice...made me do invoice when the quotation requested has pilled up....sigh.....still rushed me and even do it i end up doing all those extra work trying to go through it again, fully completing the paperwork...

luckily...i had a carefree tone down Friday...hehehe...a very very tone down..believe me....

then my weekend...well...spent 1/2 of Saturday in digital mall getting myself a spanking new keyboard ( which i have yet to get use to typing) and an optical mouse for...rm29 and rm19 respectively....
besides that..i helped Joshua to get his new W810....which is a great experience....hahahahaha

and my Sunday.....well it's pets day......and not

now coming week....hahahah...fully occupied with apointment....out of more stuck in office...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Series of Unfortunate Events

when i though the bad luck i had on Friday already in the past, but actually it is still around tailing me from behind waiting to strike at the right time....

so there i was..on Monday...feeling the usual Monday blues....went to work..and rush my scheduled messy there i was going through one item at a time.....concentrating hard....noticed my boss came in..and off she went out....10 minutes later....receptionist called....well guess bad luck strikes boss wants me to go down to the reception and brought catalogues up to the office. the catalogues were shipped over with the container and its products fill the area since Saturday till today

well i told myself..ok...since i managed to get away from the "ADVISE" i am surely cannot get away from i treat it as a work out....there my colleague and i carried the boxes of catalogue up and down...arranging it to its designated area and BAM...bad luck strikes again...i cut myself ...NOT with a scissors or knife but paper one of the pages of catalogue...

after the workout......i continued with the messy quotation.....and guess what? my bad luck again strikes at colleague also received the same messy quotation i make matter boss said...we u guys each do it...and see who gets lucky and gets the sale....well this means each of us had to do identical stuff and yet only one of us get it....luckily my colleague also felt that and we agreed to share it...either way...our chances is higher...75% of getting it and 25% not getting it.....and i can reduced the load to why not...

there i was busy going through my other quotation....after lunch....about 3pm....out of a sudden... the light and air con fuse tripped again....this happened weeks ago and yet it stil unsolved....after 10 minutes or so the repairman managed to get the light back on but not the air its like a sauna in there......roasting....seating....and fustrated...

anyway...about 4.40pm it rained so the room temperature got colder and back to basically...yesterday was all about quotation....very fast the day i go back usual i did all the after work activities....then about 10.40pm.... BLACKOUT!!!! again......well considering i am having "A Series of Unfortunate Events" i am not surprised.....

so i wait and wait and wait..till 11.20pm..i ended up dosing off with no air con or fan or even window opened.....11.50pm......i woke up....sweating....and badly in need to go toilet...then i try to open the window and BANG!!...i kicked my toes felt numb for a few seconds and then felt a burning sensation.....i on my handphone flash light and found the outer epidermis of my toes was scrapped off with blood oozing out........

stopped the blood...and continued to sleep.....1.30am...finally electricity is back and i found i even sprained or pull my toes as well...

so the whole day i walked limping in my leather shoe and almost all colleague asked me...what happened to you leg??

so....this is "A Series of Unfortunate Events"....hopefully....the series ended with the bloodshed last night.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Miserable week!

i started with my last week feeling miserable and sleepy...just simply moody.
anything can set me off...that kind of miserable.

so i tried my best not to get set off during working hours....going out to see customer whenever i could....anyway...i got through the first four days safely...

then on Thursday afternoon..i received a call from a dealer...informing me they'll will fax in a 300++ over items for quotation....A 300++ ITEMS!!!!!!!..........fuck'll take days to get it after hearing that....i decided to take the rest of the day lepaking... i went out to deliver to customer then meet others and head home...

as soon as i reached home and online later Anne told me over a offline message via msn what i have been expecting for the past 3 months...FREE F1 tickets.....she minimum can get 2 i can go watch the qualifying on Saturday...thats the least I'll get...since she'll be going with her bf on okla..right.....but then she'll will try to get me another tix and i can go to the race as is a K1 gold grandstand tickets valued at RM700

there i was anxiously waiting whole night and till Friday morning about 11am...i got the good news....yes...she managed to get me a tix...YUP....i almost screamed out in office after i found out over ebuddy....which i not suppose to use...well who cares la..everyone using if it is a open secret.

so...the excited and happily planning my weekend...with almost no mood to happy till i had to moved my car for 2 times due to blocking...i am still ok...then out of a sudden about 4.30...i go a bad news...apparently Anne's CFO need the tix back...all because one of the shareholder asked for the tix from the what to do....muntah balik-ed lo...all 3, RM2100 tix....sigh..........

after hearing that news...i felt so down....and to make matter worse..i had more bad news followed...the first was..i am AGAIN blocking ...another there i go...ran from 3rd floor down to removed my car...already pissed...i continued to work...trying to reduce my work load...the second bad news boss came over.....speaking very bubbly "eh guys you 2 free tomorrow is it? come and help advise the warehouse people with the container stock, the X#@!^ guys did it. Kesian they all have to do so much"

I'm like...hey...this is not my is way out of my job scope.."ADVISE" means i had to move and store the stock leh...labour work..and i am not getting anything from it..furthermore...the company has paid for the way i am doing this.....if i do it..the next time and the rest of it..i have to do it....better set it straight...

my colleague already replied...I'm going back i am directly the i quickly replied..i am sorry..i have plan....pissed off...i did not look at my boss and continue to finished my work...with a bad look on my face......well i am already controlling myself...with such a bad week and not to mention a bad day!!......i could have exploded!...

anyway...since i did not get my free tix..i decided to take the weekend off...resting...but no matter how much i tried to stay at home..i still managed to spent money...ahahah
i spent RM65 on my haircut....and bit on my dinner...and just today....feeling so fucked up by my miserable week...i asked my brother to get me a BMW F1 pit crew replica T shirt...costing RM190.... least....after the plush spending..i least my miserable week ended with a good weekend...

now hoping my coming week with a 300++ items quotation will be a good now I'm off to updating my feng shui and make sure my week will be a good one.

Sunday, April 1, 2007


it seems like i cannot have enough of rest....even weekends with 9 to 10 hours of sleep. i still end up needing more sleeps...hahahah....

the past week alredy almost like honeymoon week and practically i am almost being a sales executive. i have been out everyday except Wednesday.....Frankly i do like it...hahahah....its less tiring compare to staying in office full day....

well weekdays are nothing but wake up early in the morning...then go working after that come then sleep......and so the cycle repeats again for the remaining 4 days of the week..

then came Saturday and Sunday...either i'll wake up after 10am then head to shopping center and spend my day in there or i'll stay at home lepaking.... i need more rest?

now my arms are thanks to all those carrying heavy stuff yesterday...its actually better than working out...hahaha...
but comes is back to work.......fustrating la....doing this over and over again....sien....

and i am yet to get my pay. it is still floating no thanks to the bank in on Friday....wah my company pay end of the month..and the last working day of the month now my pay is in my account but floating...i can see my pay in it BUT cannot use it..i have to resort to getting RM350 from Anne to pay my credit card bill since i pass by UOB on Saturday..

boy...i really need to plan my expenses...otherwise i will have difficulties to survive end of the month...
i need to monitor my expenses and document seems like i lost track of my spending....some days i spent like Rm15 on my tolls alone....while some days i dun spent at all...
money comes and goes like thin air...hahhahah...