Sunday, April 1, 2007


it seems like i cannot have enough of rest....even weekends with 9 to 10 hours of sleep. i still end up needing more sleeps...hahahah....

the past week alredy almost like honeymoon week and practically i am almost being a sales executive. i have been out everyday except Wednesday.....Frankly i do like it...hahahah....its less tiring compare to staying in office full day....

well weekdays are nothing but wake up early in the morning...then go working after that come then sleep......and so the cycle repeats again for the remaining 4 days of the week..

then came Saturday and Sunday...either i'll wake up after 10am then head to shopping center and spend my day in there or i'll stay at home lepaking.... i need more rest?

now my arms are thanks to all those carrying heavy stuff yesterday...its actually better than working out...hahaha...
but comes is back to work.......fustrating la....doing this over and over again....sien....

and i am yet to get my pay. it is still floating no thanks to the bank in on Friday....wah my company pay end of the month..and the last working day of the month now my pay is in my account but floating...i can see my pay in it BUT cannot use it..i have to resort to getting RM350 from Anne to pay my credit card bill since i pass by UOB on Saturday..

boy...i really need to plan my expenses...otherwise i will have difficulties to survive end of the month...
i need to monitor my expenses and document seems like i lost track of my spending....some days i spent like Rm15 on my tolls alone....while some days i dun spent at all...
money comes and goes like thin air...hahhahah...

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